Top Web Development Frameworks in 2021

Top Web Development Frameworks in 2021

we have listed the Most demanding Web Development Frameworks any developers need to know in 2021— based on the biggest developers survey from stack overflow.

In today’s highly competitive digital world,Web designing and development has a major role to play in your web Application's success. As every day there is an advancement in technology which pushes the developers to keep updated in the latest Web Development frameworks by learning multiple libraries/frameworks to determine the best one. There is a huge number of web Frameworks available currently and it can be a difficult task to choose the right one.

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In this Blog, we have listed the Top Web Development Frameworks that help you to choose the right one for your Web Application Development.

Top Web Development Frameworks 

Django - Python Framework


Django is a high-level Python based Web framework that is free and open source. It encourages rapid development and clean, realistic design. It takes care of much of the difficulty of Web development, so you can simply focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. 

Django is a cross platform framework which is suitable for any web application project. Django provides Object Relational Mapper (ORM ) that makes it easy to migrate and run on any web applications.

Django is a versatile framework that allows developers to focus on business logic instead of writing common utilities which will be taken care of by Django itself. Django can be a good choice if you need to build your web application within a short span of time.

Some of the Famous websites that are developed using the Django framework are NASA, Spotify, Mozilla, Instagram, Pinterest, among others. 

The final release of Django 3.0 comes up with a number of intuitive features. Django 3.0 supports Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. 

React Js 


Created by Facebook React.js is one of the most popular open-source JavaScript libraries, for building user interfaces. It offers highly scalable and fast mobile, IoT, and web applications along with robotics. 

Facebook has implemented the virtual DOM in React.JS to facilitate maintenance.  It allows developers to make sure the project’s error-free performance before updating an actual DOM tree.

React was well-supported by Facebook in terms of updates, test tools, documentation, and community. React.JS has quickly built a daunting technical reputation and also a loyal fan following.It empowers the interface of top organizations such as Amazon, BBC, PayPal, CNN, and over a million other websites worldwide. 


Angular Js


Angular launched by Google in 2009 is an open-source, client-side framework. Angular is a powerhouse when it comes to developing large-scale web apps

The major benefit of Angular Framework is that it binds data using Expressions and extends HTML attributes with Directives which helps developers in adding dynamic views to web apps.Angular has been in 2nd position among the Top JavaScript framework because of its Model-View-Whatever architecture.

The MVW architecture of Angular allows building data-driven, interactive web apps, making it the most powerful and preferred JavaScript framework. 

Read More: Reasons to Choose AngularJs as a Front End Framework for Your Web Application.

Ruby on Rails


Ruby on Rails, or Rails which is written in Ruby language under the MIT License. is a server-side web application framework. Ruby on Rails is a model–view–controller (MVC) framework that provides default structures for web pages, databases, and web service. It facilitates and encourages the use of web standards such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for user interfacing and JSON or XML for data transfer.

Rails are suitable for both complex enterprise core system applications and cutting edge public websites that contend with Single Page JavaScript applications. The major benefit of Rails is it is versatile and also able to compete with both the smooth and the powerful. Ruby on Rails is an excellent pick even for beginner devs For simple APIs or blogs.

The framework is used by almost a million websites globally, including major platforms like Airbnb, Basecamp, Couchsurfing, GitHub, Dribbble.


Spring - Java Framework


Spring is a lightweight and powerful java framework used for web application development. In broader terms, it can be said that the Spring framework is a well-defined tool that supports several web applications using the programming language java.

Most of the developers around the globe use the spring framework to create high-performance web apps. Moreover, it helps in creating simple, fast, flexible, and portable java based applications.

Spring Framework was used by most of the developers around the world to build high-performance web apps. It allows developers in developing fast, simple and flexible java based applications. It includes a number of modules to provide services such as convention over configuration, database connectivity, aspect-oriented programming, data access, and much more.


Express Js 


Express.js is one of the most popular Node.js frameworks with almost 43k GitHub stars. The major benefits of the Express framework are faster development process and exceptional web APIs that support various plugins. 

It comes up with powerful tools to support HTTP servers. Express.js can be a good choice for developers looking to develop single-page web apps, public HTTPs, and hybrid apps. The framework supports 14 different template engines and so developers don’t have to use any particular ORM. 

It is also a minimalist framework, that serves as a middleware. With ExpressJS you can even set out your configuration routes and can receive requests from both the backend and the Front end.



ASP.NET is a cross-platform, open source, server-side web application framework Created by Microsoft, for building dynamic web applications as well as services with .NET and C#. It enables real-time bi-directional communication between client and server. 

ASP.NET extends the .NET platform with tools and libraries such as web-page templating syntax,called as Razor for creating dynamic web pages using C#, the base framework for processing web requests,libraries for common web patterns and much more.

Web Development Project

Vue Js

Vue.js is an open-source MVVM (Model-View-View Model) JavaScript framework designed by Evan You in 2014 which is used to create UIs and single-page applications.

vue js

Vue.js framework provides an HTML-based template that binds DOM with the Vue instance data. It compiles templates into Virtual DOM render functionality, that simplifies the tasks of UI development. Some of the popular brands that use Vue.js are Behance, Grammarly, Gitlab, Alibaba, Netflix and much more. The latest version released in Vue js was Vue.js 2.6.

Laravel - PHP Framework

Laravel is an open-source and highly flexible PHP-based web framework used for developing faster and effective customized web Application development. Even though developed in 2011, the Laravel framework is comparatively new.


Laravel is an active and fastest-growing community that provides quick support and answers. It can be easily integrated with third-party libraries.Laravel framework comes with 20+ different Object-Oriented libraries and pre-installed ones, which is not found in other PHP frameworks like Symfony, Phalcon, Zend Framework 2, CakePHP and CodeIgniter.One of the main pre-installed libraries is the Authentication library. 

Laravel has a big array of built-in-functions and is relied on the Model View Controller (MVC) which speeds up the performance and also provides better documentation. Laravel comes up with advanced security features such as Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection, encryption, password resetting, Bcrypt hashing and monitoring active users. It Supports unit tests out of the box.


Flask - Python Framework


Flask is a lightweight and extensible Python-based web framework.This framework became widely popular as an alternative to Django Framework with the monolithic structure and dependencies. 

Flask is a microframework as it does not require any particular tools or libraries.It comes up with several out-of-the-box capabilities, such as a built-in development server, unit test support, debugger, secure cookies, templating, and RESTful request dispatching.



jQuery is a lightweight, free and Open JavaScript library. The purpose of jQuery is to make code simple, reusable and concise. Combining HTML5 and CSS, the JavaScript library jquery eases the difficulty of Web application development.jQuery can be optimized for search engines to make SEO Friendly and there are a lot of plug-ins available to help developers.

jquery can be used to develop Ajax-based Applications. jQuery takes a lot of common tasks that commonly require many lines of JavaScript code to accomplish and make them into methods that you can call with a single line of code.

Nokia and Microsoft has bundled jQuery on their platforms.



Here we have looked into aspects of Top Web Frameworks which can help you in choosing the Right frameworks to build your Web Applications in 2021.

If you require expert consultation for your development project or looking for the exceptional web development services Feel Free to Contact Our Team

Employcoder has extensive web development experience and will be glad to provide you with free consultation. Hire Web Developers from Employcoder an Offshore Software Development Company has vast experience in providing Web Development Services to clients all over the world. Our Web Developers are updated in all latest frameworks to deliver the successfull project.

About Sundar

Sundar is a Business enthusiast. He has been working as a Digital Marketer and Blogger with Empoycoder. He writes about Technologies, startups, remote teams and outsourcing. Stay Connected with Us to move forward with innovations in the world of IT!!

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