Top JavaScript Frameworks in 2021

Top JavaScript Frameworks in 2021

JavaScript has become popular programming language among the developers over the recent years for its simplicity and for ease of use as it offers efficiency, security, and scalability.

As every day there is an advancement in technology which pushes developers to keep updated in the latest JavaScript frameworks by learning multiple libraries/frameworks to determine the best one.

According to Stack overflow’s Developer Survey 2021, JavaScript tops the list as the most popular and commonly used programming language.

Stack Overflow Developer Survey Result 2019

Source: Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020

Top JavaScript Frameworks in 2021

React JS

Among the JavaScript frameworks, React js is most widely used and wanted frameworks by developers.

React Js

React JS is a JavaScript library, open sourced by Facebook is great at building modern single page applications of any size and scale. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React makes easy and simple for developers to create interactive UIs. It allows you to interface with other libraries and framework.

Redux is an open source javascript library for managing application state. Redux works especially well with libraries like React.

React js makes use of Virtual DOM which makes it extremely fast in building applications. Great support for Server-Side-Rendering(SSR), making it a powerful framework for content-based applications

Node JS

Node JS

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform javascript run time environment built on Chrome's V8 javascript engine that is loved by most of the web developers to create real-time web applications. Nodejs development has the efficiency to increase the return on investment for many software development teams.

A development model that uses an event-driven, nonblocking I/O model which makes it more efficient and lightweight. The reason behind the popularity of Node.js is that the developers can utilize javascript for both front end and back end. 

Vue JS

Vue Js is a Progressive JavaScript Framework which is the best fit for building highly adaptable UIs and smooth single page applications.

Vue Js

The vue.js framework offers inbuilt app templates and higher customization which makes it easier and Keeping its speed and flexibility. Vue.js being designed by combining both Angular and React – makes it easier to bring Angular or React-based mobility solution on Vue platform.

The major benefit of Vue.js is that small interactive parts can be easily integrated into the Existing Structures with no changes in the entire system.

Angular JS

Angular Js is one of the most versatile and popular frameworks used for building highly interactive web applications. It was developed and released by Google as a full-featured JavaScript framework to enhance simplicity and efficiency. It was created to use alongside with Typescript.

Angular JS

Angular Js, a structured JavaScript framework, effective in building dynamic single page applications and supporting MVC (Model View Controller) programming structure. It is a Front-end framework that supports multiple platforms.

Angular is a modern framework built entirely in TypeScript, and as a result, using TypeScript with Angular provides a seamless experience.MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) that allows developers to work separately on the same app using the same set of information.

Angular has come up with its latest version Angular 8.0 which consists of many new features and much talked- Ivy.

Express JS

Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js, that provides a wide range of functions for building single-page, multi-page and hybrid web applications. It provides a robust set of features for mobile and web applications.

Express JS

Express.js API makes use of Node Package Manager(NPM) to share and install countless third-party plug-ins. You can easily add OAuth integration / social logins to the web application without any difficulties, using this authentication middleware to connect. It simplifies the process of coding an HTTP Server in Node.js.

Ember JS

Ember js is a free, open-source javascript web framework based on (Model-View-ViewModel) MVVM pattern. The core feature of Ember.js is routes which help in managing URLs.

Ember JS

Ember js allows developers to write less code with integrated templates that will automatically be updated when the underlying data is changed. Ember js comes up with Ember Inspector tool used for debugging Ember Applications.

Ember’s Command Line Interface(CLI) allows you to interact with the Operating System. Ember is backward compatible, that if the applications are updated the older versions of the framework will never break. Ember CLI integrates ember patterns in the development process and mainly focuses on developer productivity.

Meteor JS

Meteor Js is an open source isomorphic JavaScript framework written using Node.js provides flexibility to the developers. With the help of Meteor js, you can produce cross-platform code. You can use the same code for developing apps for web, iOS, Android or Desktop.  

Meteor JS

Meteor js allows developers to develop real-time web applications from scratch. From Front end components to back end components, it contains everything required for the whole development life cycle starting from development to deployment.

Meteor js offers MongoDB database as well as the minimongo the front end representation of it written using JavaScript. It also comes up with live-browser reloading whenever any changes made to the code it automatically reloads the live web page.

Meteor js provides custom package manager which contains the NPM functionalities and some additional functionalities. Atmosphere.js is the repository of Meteor Packages.


Here we have looked into the aspects which can help you in choosing the JavaScript frameworks in 2021 for your application development.

If you are looking to Hire Developers, then Employcoder can offer you with dedicated developers with great expertise in providing Angular JS, React JS, Node JS development solutions. 

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Related Articles :

1. Why Node.Js is the Best Choice to Build Web Applications?

2. Key Advantages of React Js Development.

3. Benefits of Choosing Angular js to build your Web application.

4. What Makes React Native better for mobile app Development.

About David Ryan

Hey All !! I am David Ryan. I am a Technical Consultant at Employcoder and having 6+ years of experience in various IT verticals. Providing solutions to Startups & Enterprises who need dedicated development team & technology partners. Stay Connected with Us to move forward with innovations in the world of IT!! Follow me on twitter @employcoder Mail me to

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