Why Node.Js is the Best Choice to Build Web Applications?

Why Node.Js is the Best Choice to Build Web Applications?

Let's have a brief look at what is node.js and Reasons to choose node.js to build a web applications.

Node.js is increasingly becoming a go-to technology for many organizations across the world. As Node.js accentuate on concurrency, speed, and intensive data exchange along with applying advance technology over web sockets, it has helped organizations to build numerous applications such as Enterprise web applications,social media apps, chat bots, real-time tracking apps, online games and much more.

According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey, Node.js is the most commonly used Web Frameworks.

Stack Over Flow Survey 2019

Top Companies that uses Node.Js

Netflix, Walmart, Uber, PayPal, LinkedIn, Medium, ebay are the companies that uses node.js as their server-side technology to build their primary application.

What is Node.Js?

Nodejs is an open-source, cross platform javascript run time environment built on chrome’s V8 javascript engine that is loved by most of the web developers to create real time web applications. Nodejs development has the efficiency to increase the return on investment for many software development teams.

Node.js uses an event driven , non blocking I/O model which makes it more efficient and lightweight. The reason behind the popularity of nodejs is that the developers can utilize javascript for both front end and back end.

Reasons to Choose Node js to Build Web Applications

Build Applications With Single Code Base

Organizing data between the server and the client side is automatic and becomes a lot easier with the help of Node.js. It is possible because the developers can write Javascript not only for the server but also for the client facing part of the app. An example for this is Meteor.js, which was built over Node.js.

Modern Features

Nodejs plugins are not only newer but they are built with latest architectural approaches. The frameworks running on Node.js is built by programmers who know that developing can be better when model, view and controller are separate.

Advantage for Developers

Node.js has a unique advantage because most of frontend developers who write JavaScript for the browser are now able to write the server-side code in addition to the client-side code without the need of learning a completely different language.

Real-Time Development

Every organizations want to look at the user’s information in the up-to-date manner possible because knowing what the user is searching for in real-time can help them improve visitors to stay longer. That’s why web development teams are relying on Node.js to accomplish this task.

If you are planning to gather many users’ real-time experience, for example, if you’re building something like a game or chat app, Node.js is far more simple to use than the viable alternatives.


To sum it up, Node.js is great for building applications with heavy client-side rendering, multiple concurrent requests, and frequent shuffling of data from a client to a server. Whenever you think about building heavy I/O and data-driven applications, Node.js should definitely be the first option on your list. 


If you would like to know more information about node js, Get in touch with our Node js Experts

Employcoder’s Node JS developers are well-versed in developing any kind of large or small enterprises web & mobile applications.

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About David Ryan

Hey All !! I am David Ryan. I am a Technical Consultant at Employcoder and having 6+ years of experience in various IT verticals. Providing solutions to Startups & Enterprises who need dedicated development team & technology partners. Stay Connected with Us to move forward with innovations in the world of IT!! Follow me on twitter @employcoder Mail me to hire@employcoder.com

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