Mobile App Development Trends that will Dominate in 2021

Mobile App Development Trends that will Dominate in 2021

With 2020 coming to an end, businesses and mobile app developers are keen to identify the new trends in mobile app development that they must stay updated so that to maximize their output in the next year. We Employcoder Leading IT Outsourcing Company analysed and brought you the mobile app development trends that we can expect to dominate in 2021.

Mobile App Development Trends - 2021


“The delivery of electronic commerce capabilities directly into the consumer’s hand, anywhere, via wireless technology”


Mobile Commerce is also known as M-commerce which allows users to do online shopping through their smartphones. As long as customers have a mobile device they can shop where ever and whenever they want. The major advantage of using M-Commerce is that it enhances the global experience for customers.

According to the survey, In 2021 M-Commerce could gather in some $3.5 trillion and also makeup almost 73% of Ecommerce sales. With the help of M-Commerce, users can use the entire process of shopping, tracking, reviews etc on their mobile devices.


Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality (VR) has been considered as the “next big thing” for several years, but its time has finally come to generate realistic images, sounds, and other sensations that put you smack in the middle of a spectacular imaginary world. Augmented Reality (AR), which adds virtual stuff to your real-world environment, is contributing to the buzz, and both technologies should become a big part of our future.

VR and AR are best considered as a perpetuity of technologies and devices at different levels of maturity across business and consumer markets. It is the two most hyped technologies which have earned a huge popularity. It is estimated that there will be around 2.5 billion AR capable smart Phones by 2023 and the market will be worth around $70 million.

Augmented and Virtual Reality

From Healthcare to movies, to gaming, the uses for Virtual Reality and  Augmented Reality are expanding every day.

Healthcare— For training as like in a Real Body

Movies - to create unique experiences

Virtual travel—For virtual trips to a different world all from home

One of the best-known uses of Virtual Reality is in Gaming. The Gaming industry has the biggest market for virtual reality technology. Virtual Reality Apps use specialized Virtual Reality Headgear, 3D technology, special motion-sensors and more to provide a surreal gaming experience to their users. With the use of VR Technology developers can create imaginary worlds in real-time that could not be experienced in the real world except through fiction.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The growth of artificial intelligence is driving a whole new class of mobile app possibilities.AI possibilities are endless, but within the context of mobile, it can be embedded using chatbots or in context-aware sensors.

Retail giants like eBay and Amazon have already started using AI in their mobile apps and have seen the success of AI mobile apps. With every day there is a new advancement in technology and shifting consumer demands, AI in the use of mobile apps is the new digital frontier for businesses.

Artificial intelligence

Currently, one of the emerging trends in the use of messaging applications i.e chatbots. With the use of a virtual assistant which responds faster to the user's query and engages them. Chatbot helps a business to have stronger relationships with their users.

According to IDC, it is estimated that the Worldwide Spending on Artificial Intelligence Systems Will Grow to Nearly $79.2 Billion in 2022

The use of Machine Learning can be seen in various fields, and it is now aggressively serving to develop mobile applications. Machine learning makes mobile platforms more user-friendly, improves the customer experience, and at the same time maintains customer loyalty, and helps in building consistent omnichannel experiences.


Now the major tech organizations are using these AI algorithms into various streams to strategically secure users further into their brand systems. It allows businesses to deeply engage their users, providing more encouragement to use their services. As these technologies booming around, we are seeing more AI and machine learning-driven apps, businesses can leverage the data apps are collecting via point-of-sale machines, online traffic, mobile devices, and more to strategically improve the user experience.

Wearable Devices

Wearable Devices

Wearable Technology is typically a category of technology devices that are worn by a user either directly as a watch or as a part of other materials like clothing. These gadgets are further connected to the internet directly or through smartphone apps to perform various functions by exchanging data between the network and devices. Some of the examples of wearable technology we see are Fit Bits, heart rate monitors and smartwatches everywhere. Wearable gadgets offer a lot more unique functions than regular apps nowadays.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology has numerous benefits to offer in mobile app development. Mobile Apps with Blockchain Technology are both all about transactions and Security. blockchain enables mobile apps to be made faster, safer, and with more features than ever before.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a decentralized network that is not regulated by any central authority which implies that the customer and seller only control blockchain operations which also faster the transactions process.


Decentralized Applications(DApps) are computer apps that run on the distributed system built on powerful blockchain technology. In simple words, it can be explained as Dapps are nothing but applications that leverage blockchain technology and operate from a secure and reliable network rather than on a server system owned or controlled by one central power. As the name implies Decentralized, Dapps are not centrally controlled. So Dapps has the advantages of greater transparency and the lack of third-party on the system. DApps are commonly hosted on peer-to-peer networks such as Ethereum, Tron, Loom, or Waves, etc.

At Employcoder, we have a strong DApp Development team of highly experienced DApps developers who have built a range of secure, scalable DApps for clients in various industry verticals. Hire DApp Developers From us to Build your own DApp or to update an existing application.  Our DApp Developers are expert in Building Decentralized Apps on various blockchain platforms such as Tron, Ethereum, EOS, Hyperledger, Stellar, Corda, & Hashgraph.




Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT) is a digital mesh of internet-connected devices. From devices to automobiles, it connects plenty of physical objects for exchanging seamless data among them.

“The IoT will continue to deliver new opportunities for digital business innovation for the next decade, many of which will be enabled by new or improved technologies,” said Nick Jones research vice president at Gartner.

Gartner forecasts that 14.2 billion connected things will be in use in 2019 and that the total will reach 25 billion by 2021, producing an immense volume of data.

Internet of Things

One of the best examples we can state mobile apps with IoT is in home automation systems which are called “Smart Homes”. Where all major devices in a house like security, lighting, heating, air conditioning and even cooking devices are intelligent which means, they are designed and programmed in a way that will receive queries from the users in the house and act accordingly.


Making use of these technologies in your Mobile App Development can put you ahead in the market place. If you are looking to build a Mobile App with any of the above technologies, Feel Free to Contact Us

Mobile App Development

Employcoder is a Mobile App Development Company that has a strong team of Mobile App Developers who have vast experience in building apps across various platforms such as Android, iOS etc using robust and reliable technologies to bring your idea into an application.

You can Hire Mobile App developers from Employcoder to build your amazing mobile apps. Hire developers from our flexible engagement models in a highly cost-effective manner.


About David Ryan

Hey All !! I am David Ryan. I am a Technical Consultant at Employcoder and having 6+ years of experience in various IT verticals. Providing solutions to Startups & Enterprises who need dedicated development team & technology partners. Stay Connected with Us to move forward with innovations in the world of IT!! Follow me on twitter @employcoder Mail me to

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