How to Hire a Web Developer?

How to Hire a Web Developer?

How you present your web Application to the user is the main thing which makes your website to stand out from the rest. You may think it is simple, but it is not a simple task as you taught. Everything matters from choosing the right and skillful Development team for your project. If you put it in the right way, You can make your website far more than your competitors.

So you may have a question “How to hire a web developer”. Here we have provided a step by step guide in finding the Right Web Developer for your Project.


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How to Hire a Web Developer?

Make an overview of your Project Expectations

This is the first step for any organization or startup who is looking to hire a web developer. Preparing is the first step towards success. You have to first make note of your requirements in a detailed manner.

Firstly,It should be noted that whether you need your developer to start from the scratch or to carry out a specific tasks you provide so that it is easy to find the right developer based on your project requirements.

Secondly when finding a web developer you should aware of the technologies and experience your developer should possess. Make a list of technologies your web developer should posses. Don’t find a developer who is experienced and proficient in every technologies. Have a clear idea of what technologies should your developer must have and technologies can be an added advantage. This makes work easy for you when hiring a developer.

Thirdly, it is necessary to learn the job market in order to hire a web developer. Check the local market and also for outsourcing. There are lot of options available to hire a developer nowadays. Don’t rely on a single method. Researching on different options will help you manage your cost of hiring the developer.

Finally one should analyze the previous projects and their ratings to know their skills and technical expertise. Look whether they have done projects on your needed skill. These steps have to be clearly carried out to find the right developer.

Technical Expertise

For every Web Developer HTML5 and CSS are the main which every developer should have knowledge in. Excellent knowledge in JavaScript is must for every web developer as nowadays most of the Visual functions are depend on the Javascript and its frameworks. 

You should consider dividing down the project into the specific technologies your web developer will need to be familiar with, such as technology in your existing stack (e.g., PHP, MySQL, or Node.js), frameworks you’re using (e.g., .NET, AngularJS, or Ruby on Rails), any cloud-based deployment or computing services, or API and database integration the developer will need to work with. 

The next thing is the experience of the developer you like to hire. It is better when you divide your developer in to Junior, Middle and Senior. Hiring the web developer based on their experience and according to the tasks they need to work o your projects.

Web Developer Hourly Rate

Finding the right developer not only depends the skills and expertise but also on the Budget. The cost of the developer depends on the difficulty of the task, technical expertise of the developer and as well as the experience of the developer. The cost also depends on the location of the developer. There are two ways in which company can hire, whether from the in-house developers or from the outsourcing providers. They have an advantages like increased efficiency, large pool of web developers, flexibility and also reduces the development cost.

The Hourly rate of Web developers varies from one location to another around the world. The Hourly rate of developers in US ranges from $40 - $120/h for Junior to Senior Web Developer

Likewise the Hourly rate of web developers in Europe ranges from $30-$80/h for junior to Senior Web Developer.

Likewise the Hourly rate of web developers in Asia varies from $15 - $40/h for junior to senior Web Developer.

Its important to choose developers according to your budget and experience needed.

Checkout their Work Portfolio

Check out their previous projects similar to your requirements, favorite projects, or most recent. Ask for how they solved the problem, challenges that came up during the development process, and how they addressed them.

Gather more details related to how quickly they work, how much time they’ve spent on previous projects and completion of the projects, and how they receive and implement feedback.

In Conclusion

We hope this blog have given you detailed insights to find and  hire a web developer. With taking into the consideration of the above details its easy to find the right web developer for your project.

If you need further details in finding the right web developer, Get a Free Consultation from our Experts. 

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About David Ryan

Hey All !! I am David Ryan. I am a Technical Consultant at Employcoder and having 6+ years of experience in various IT verticals. Providing solutions to Startups & Enterprises who need dedicated development team & technology partners. Stay Connected with Us to move forward with innovations in the world of IT!! Follow me on twitter @employcoder Mail me to

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