Hiring Remote Developers vs Hiring Freelancers

Hiring Remote Developers vs Hiring Freelancers

When you got a brilliant project idea, you need a dedicated developer to turn your idea into a reality. When you are carrying out an ongoing project, your project may require a special skill that your current developers don't possess so you will look for that developer.

Someone will look to hire Remote developers and someone will go for freelance developers. so which may be the best option for your project. Hiring remote developers or hiring freelancers. Which one is right fit for you? Here we have come up with the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Before going deep into it, We will have a clear difference between Remote Developers and Freelance Developers. Many people are thinking that both are the same. That's not right.

Difference Between Remote Developers and Freelancers

A Remote Developer is one who is employed by an organization or company who does not require to be physically present at the office. Remote developers are part of your software development but are located in offshore locations. They help in building your distributed teams. On the other hand, Freelance developers are the one who is working for other people without any employment obligations.

Hiring Remote Developers vs Hiring Freelancers: Which is better?

Efficiency & Productivity

Compared to freelance developers the productivity of Remote developers is high. Remote Developers are assigned to particular tasks and are dedicated to that project. on the other hand, freelance developers take several projects at a time and cannot focus on a single project due to project deadlines which stress them out. But in the case of dedicated developers, there are no multiple projects and they focus on their allocated project and so that they can produce results effectively.

Latest Technology & Trends

For freelancers, it’s hard to keep updated with the latest technologies but with The remote developers who are employed for a full-time job in an organization or company are always updated to the latest technologies, cutting edge ideas and suggestions.

A Wide Pool of Talents

Fiding and hiring remote developers of your required skills in an organization is easier when you have a more diverse pool of experts to draw from. If you are hiring a remote programmer from an organization and you are not satisfied with your programmer, immediately the organization will provide you with another programmer based on your requirements and skillsets.

But in the case of freelancer, if you are not satisfied you need to start your search from beginning and find a new freelancer to take up your project which makes your project completion more complicate and takes a lot of time, amount to finish it.

Quality and Deadlines

Freelancers manage multiple projects and clients simultaneously. So the demand for project completion comes from many directions and at any time. So it is very difficult to keep up the deadlines and cant produce quality work because they will move one project to another on the pressure by other clients. But Remote developers are made to focus on a single project with tight deadlines. So clients can get quality work and can also get results within the estimated time.

Maintenance and Support

During off working hours, the availability of your freelancer is questionable, you cannot get support at any time. If you need further assistance and support in your project you need to pay extra for freelancers.

When you are working remote programmers, if you need any support or want to fix issues you can directly communicate with the organization 24/7 and can fix issues immediately even during nonworking hours and can get complete support even after the project is launched. 


When your working with remote developers you can be assured with confidentiality and security at any level of the project. The details of your project will remain secured and are not disclosed to peoples outside your project. At the time of hiring remote developers, the organization where you hire developers will sign an NDA(Non- Disclosure Agreement) with you so that your projects are secure and safe. But in the case of freelancers, you can't expect such a level of security.


Thus, Hiring a Remote developer has more advantages than hiring a freelancer. Freelancers can offer low rates but the quality is what really matters. Hire Developers from Leading Software Development Company like Employcoder can help you get quality work and can deliver projects on time.

Hiring Remote developers from us can provide you with the skill sets you need, at the scale you need. While you enjoy a convenient single point of contact from us.

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About Sundar

Sundar is a Business enthusiast. He has been working as a Digital Marketer and Blogger with Empoycoder. He writes about Technologies, startups, remote teams and outsourcing. Stay Connected with Us to move forward with innovations in the world of IT!!

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