Mean stack is a combination of JavaScript technologies in which the carrying MEAN includes MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS to develop web applications. It has become more popular due to its flexibility and reliable development procedure that creates more appealing to the application. To acquire it in the best way, our mean stack developers are devoted in providing the robust solutions with outstanding performance in a minimal effort due to their skill set in accomplishing the assigned tasks with tremendous accuracy. So, many business prefers mean stack development to get more productive and trusted software development.

Why Fleet Our Adept Mean Stack Developers?

To modernize website with dynamic integrated features, every business favor mean stack developers to work for them in a full time basis. So to make it real, we provide an opportunity to all the start-up solutions to hire their desired team based on their business size and requirements. Hire our committed mean stack developers who work for you either in monthly or full time basis as per your desire within a competitive budget. To offer that in agile methodology, we provide an exciting applications and software that enhance your business features and functionalities with mean stack.


Scalable & Robust Applications

As a leading mean stack application development company, we help in building your business globally with our scalable and robust applications and websites. On considering your business needs, we guide all our clients in a track with innovative solutions that make you stand out from the crowd of your competitors.


Flexible Hiring Developers

To deliver you with the best solutions based on your business needs, our mean stack expertise team offer you with a well-enhanced features and functionalities that suits your business requirements. According to your demands, our hiring developers flexible to all your ideas and suggestion in order to hand over your project on time.


Yearly Experience Professionals

Being top MEAN Stack Development Company in India, we have delivered MEAN Stack Services and solutions by enabling customers to turn into high performance business units.


Frequent Communication

Our developers ensure you with regular updates about the project details and its status of completion. All our developers team update you the exact flow report and the results in a daily basis. As our mean stack developers team are well-versed in communication, we frequently contact you to get ideas and consideration about our work strategies.


Technical Stuff

Our dedicated mean stack developers offer open source customization with artistic, unique and innovative solutions who are well-experienced in projecting out all your business necessities. We are ready to work by enhancing our technical updates in a regular research to shift your business towards the forward stage.


Affordable Solutions

With our support, you can able to attain the solution to all your business problems in an competitive budget. Our developers work entirely to fulfil your complete expectations about the project. All your necessities will go live not exceeding your prescribed cost. We offer the application or software by considering your ideas within the limited price range.

Why Choose Employ Coder as a Mean Stack Development Company?

1. Great Technical Knowledge

Our MEAN Stack experts with varied experience levels have built great products and toiled their hands in coding & solutioning

2. Solution Experts

Our Experts will help find an integrated Solution to your product; we are good at working from the Scratch and also at Rescue activities

3. Faster go-to Market

Abundant availability of employcoder's technical experts to work in your project, help to reach your business targets

4. Excellent Communication

Communication is the key for any project success – our team speaks good English and writes professional emails

5. Tools & Tricks

Our team has excellent knowledge in latest tools & learnt tricks from previous project experiences; this would be enabled to help you by crafting a quality output

6. Trust of Partnership

Our works with every client as a partner rather than as a vendor; we have a great track record for providing honest, value-added, unbiased, cutting edge and objective suggestions & service, each and every time


Extensive Experience in following Javascript Libraries



We use the popular jQuery JS DOM library for event handling, animation and much more to build extensible web applications with cross browser functionality.



AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework,a front-end client-side framework that runs in the browser. Wil be used in data intensive web applications to extend the functionality of HTML attributes.



React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React is fast & modular. Applications made in React can handle complex data, still feel quick and responsive.



Node.js is a javascript framework built on Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. It is very light weight and effecient. It makes use of an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model and a single-threaded event loop which allows high throughput and application availability.

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