5 Reasons to Hire Developers in India

5 Reasons to Hire Developers in India

The most successful business strategy adopted by companies worldwide today is Hiring developers for their software development requirements. Many foreign organizations are mainly hiring developers in India which indeed have enabled them to attain success. It allows them to a reduction in costs and invests in capital expenditures. It provides a company with the ability to focus on its core competencies.

If you are not aware of the benefits of Hiring Developers in India, Then this article will be the best one to read for you. In this article, we will review the Reasons to Hire Developers in India.

Reasons to Hire Developers in India

The main reasons are broken down into the following,

Quality Work 

You can get highly talented and skilled developers who are experienced in emerging technologies and can deliver quality work. 

With the high competition within the country and overseas, the top software development organizations in India consistently provide top-notch quality software solutions to survive in this competition. This is all possible because of the huge talented developers in India that have been increasing every year and has thirst for learning and experimenting with new technologies. 

Helps to Focus on Core Busines

Outsourcing the right team for your project. Thus the Development team will do your work which allows you to stay focused on the core business.

Hire Developers through Cost-Effective Models

Understanding how average hourly rates differ in different regions throughout the world will give you an idea of why Hiring Developers in India is considered as a cost-effective way. This is why when you hire developers in india you can cut down the half of your cost. 

Hourly Rates at Different Regions

Geography makes a big difference

As per the reports of Statista, India is considered as one of the cost-effective destinations for developing the mobile application.

In Countries like North America, Australia, Singapore, UK, Eastern Europe, South America which are relatively costlier. This what makes the businesses at these locations to offshore their software development requirements to India.   

The Hourly rate of Web developers differs from one Region to another around the world. The Hourly rate of developers in the US ranges from $40 - $120/h for Junior to Senior Web Developer. Likewise, the Hourly rate of web developers in Europe ranges from $30-$80/h for junior to Senior Web Developer. Likewise, the Hourly rate of web developers in Asia varies from $15 - $40/h for junior to senior Web Developer.

In comparison with the most expensive regions, The least expensive regions showed average rates about 30% - 40% less.

Excellent pool of Talented Developers and Infrastructure

As Per the Report of Evans Data Corporation, India's developer population will overtake the US by 2023. India has wide pool of talented developers which makes India the biggest outsourcing hub.

One huge advantage of hiring developers in India is the available advanced infrastructure. It allows the Project to take off more quickly as you need not worry about developing new infrastructure.

Time Zone Difference

Hiring Developers who are located in a different time zone will allow you to have a 24-hour development cycle, which allows you to catch up with software development more quickly with the requirements and changes that are greatly affected by real-time actions such as online solutions that are being used worldwide. 

For example, if your work needs that cannot be applied on production servers during the day work hours but overnight. What can you do? If you have a development team who works 4 - 6 hrs ahead of or behind your time zone can allow you to make your development process quicker and makes this implementation easier. 


Hope our blog will help you in Hiring the Right Developers for your Development Process. If you still need more information in Hiring, please free to contact us 

Hire Developers

Where to Hire Developers in India?

Employcoder has a team of talented and skilled developers who offer clients a simple, affordable solution to the build-up of any software development project. 

Hire Developers in India from Employcoder with a large pool of talented developers who can adapt to all emerging technologies and have well-experienced in handling various business projects. You can also Setup your Offshore Development Center from Employcoder and save up to 50% of your development cost.


About David Ryan

Hey All !! I am David Ryan. I am a Technical Consultant at Employcoder and having 6+ years of experience in various IT verticals. Providing solutions to Startups & Enterprises who need dedicated development team & technology partners. Stay Connected with Us to move forward with innovations in the world of IT!! Follow me on twitter @employcoder Mail me to hire@employcoder.com

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