How to Hire Developers for Startups?

How to Hire Developers for Startups?

Hiring developers is a crucial part of any startups and for any business. Finding the right people with the right skills, Meeting the salary and benefits expectations is a greater challenge for the startups when finding a developer.

So if you are looking to hire a developer for your startup, it’s not an easy task as you think. 

According to CB Insights Statistics, 23% of startups fail because of choosing the wrong team. This is the third most common problem for any startups for its failure in the market. 


CB Insights Statistics

Source: CB Insights

In this blog, we will bring you the step by step process to Hire Developers that will be a profitable extension to your team and also helps to streamline your startups.

How to Hire Developers for Startups?

Know the Right Requirements

Before you go on searching for hiring the developers. First, it is important to know what the requirements are. How specific you know your requirements, you can cut down your searching time and clean on your hiring.

First defining the set of skills you needed for your startup is the best start which helps you in searching in the right place.    

Where to find Developers?

There are two ways in finding the right developer for your project whether looking in offline or Online

Looking for Developers Online

If a startup or a business needs to hire developers or a development team the first thing they will do is the search on the internet. 

Social Media

Social Media is a great place for reaching out to developers by establishing your startups in social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In, etc and with the help of your network sharing it.

Developers Community

Searching for Programmers in the specialized developer community on major platforms like GitHub, Stack Overflow, Reddit, etc. Reaching out to developers in Startup job boards like Tech crunch, Angellist, mashable, etc is also another way to narrow your searches.

Popular Freelance Websites

Searching for developers in freelance websites like Upwork, Toptal, CodementorX are the most popular places where you can find more no of tech talents for your projects.

Looking for Developers Offline

Looking for Developers in Online is not the only option as there are some offline options where you can meet the right developers for your startups.

Tech Conferences

If you are looking for a specified technology for your project, then search for the relevant conference for that technology. Look for the conferences that are close to you and join them so that you can find developers of your preferred technology and hire developers.

Meetups and Hackathons

This is one of the best places probably to look for developers in actions. It allows you to analyze the skills of the developers and you can offer them to hire and work in your startups now or for future projects.

Coworking Spaces

Searching for developers in your coworking spaces also allows you to find the right developer. It is the best place to build your network.

Hiring Developers in Offshore Destinations

If your startup is in a specified country you can hire a remote team located away from you in an offshore country. Almost local developers may be hired by companies in your location So find developers in an offshore country can be the best option for your startups.

The benefit of choosing offshore developers is that there is a wide pool of developers available worldwide which is growing day by day. 

There are many startups today and demand for developers is increasing day by day which means that you have to be in a highly competitive marketplace. With looking at this offshore development can be the best option for the startups nowadays.


We hope that our blog will help in hiring the talented developers for your Startups or decided to extend your team.

If you still need information in finding the right developers for your Startups, Get a free consultation from our Experts.

Hire Developers at Affordable Prices

If you are looking to Hire Developers for your Startups, Hire Developers from Employcoder who has a team of Talented Developers for all your development needs. Get a Free Quote Now

About David Ryan

Hey All !! I am David Ryan. I am a Technical Consultant at Employcoder and having 6+ years of experience in various IT verticals. Providing solutions to Startups & Enterprises who need dedicated development team & technology partners. Stay Connected with Us to move forward with innovations in the world of IT!! Follow me on twitter @employcoder Mail me to

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