A Complete Guide on Hiring Offshore Software Development Team in 2020

A Complete Guide on Hiring Offshore Software Development Team in 2020

Here is a  Complete Guide to Hire an Offshore Software Development Team in 2020

Recent Years Outsourcing has evolved as an excellent idea for increasing profitability for a business. At first, it was seen only as a Low-cost alternative to hiring inhouse employees but now as an important business strategy for small to Larger Enterprises. Outsourcing which allows the reduction in costs is so significant that it allows the business to thrive and grow much faster.

If you are a startup or Enterprise looking to Hire Offshore Software Development Team from an Outsourcing Company then here are the detailed insights about finding and hiring the right Offshore Software Development Team.

Current State and Future of Outsourcing 


When should you Hire an Offshore Development Team?

Here are some of the scenario when a Business should hire an offshore development team.

When Skills And Needs doesn't Match

If your Business requires Something more, but your existing in-house team does not possess or doesn't have tools to carry out then it's best to outsource the task or project. You can't take something which you can't handle to completion. If you need a lot of assistance in carrying out project then it's necessary to consider outsourcing

When your Project is Behind on Deadlines

If your project deadline is approaching you and you are still behind to complete it then you may consider outsourcing some parts of your project. It is not needed to fully outsource your project but outsourcing some task which you think will consume you a lot of time and costs can be outsourced so that you can finish your project within deadlines.

Scaling Too Fast

When you are startup entering newly into the market, the major problem you may face is scaling up too fast without understanding that you won’t be able to meet customers' needs and will experience delays and issues. This is where you should outsource some tasks. With an Outsourcing team, you will be able to provide services on a larger scale to large customers within a short span of time and can generate huge revenue.

Inability To Deal With Specialized Tasks 

If your task is highly specialized, Then outsourcing it to someone who specialized in that particular Niche can be Best Choice. A good example would be, If you're developing a project and it needs a Special Skill, and you are learning it for that particular task then it's difficult to stay knowledgeable on what's hot, but instead outsourcing to the one who is doing it all day, every day, who has the most current knowledge will able to take up your Project quickly and finish without any issues.

When you are Running out of Talents

When your team seems to be maxed with project capacities and projects are on coming on a high then it may be time to outsource your project to an offshore development team in order to keep your team moving forward without any work burden. It's important to be strategic in your approach. Make sure with the specific needs of your team and time to reach their goals before proceeding with Outsourcing.


Benefits of Hiring an Offshore Software Development Team 

Helps to Start Your Project Quicker

Hiring an Offshore Development Team from an outsourcing company will give you the right talent who matches your needs and also can start your projects sooner. On average, you can find a skilled Development Team or an Individual Developer and start your projects within hours of posting your requirements, when compared to the average 4-8 weeks which normally staffing agencies would take or hiring an in-house team or developer.

Reduces your Cost Expenses

For a Startup or Large enterprise, you have to invest a large amount of cost and time to recruit a large number of developers and train them for your specific project requirements. Hiring an Offshore development team who is ready to start from the scratch of the project can cut half of your development cost expenses and helps you in faster the project completion.

Gives More Flexibility and Adaptability

Hiring Offshore Development Teams who are more agile and are easily adaptable to any Software project environment are always priceless for a business. Everyone in your offshore team will be carried out with the specific tasks and are easy to communicate at any time about your project requirements as you have direct control of your offshore development team. This model provides you with more flexibility which allows to also add additional  developers to the team or reduce based on your project requirements.

More Technical Expertise

As outsourcing companies have great exposure to various projects and are updated with the latest trends and technologies in Businesses. They have much expertise in giving great results to customers coming up with different development needs.

Where to Look for Offshore Development Team?

Almost 70% of businesses feel good about their outsourcing decisions. With a huge global outsourcing Market and a lot of country options for Outsource, which countries are the best for choosing an Outsourcing partner and hire an offshore development team for your business?

Asia is estimated to be the fastest-growing regional Outsourcing market during the forecast period owing to the easy availability of skilled staff, a better quality of IT solutions, and low costs of projects. Countries Such as Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, are also the new outsourcing destinations.


As per the reports of Statista, India is considered as one of the cost-effective destinations for Outsourcing your Software Projects. As it has a wide pool of talented developers which makes India one of the biggest outsourcing hubs.

In Countries like North America, Australia, Singapore, UK, Eastern Europe, South America the Outsourcing Costs are relatively costlier. This what makes any businesses to offshore their software development requirements to India.   

Checklist for Hiring Offshore Developers for your Project

According to CB Insights Statistics, 23% of startups fail because of choosing the wrong team. This is the third most common problem for any startups for its failure in the market. 


For a Successful completion of a Project, Everything matters from choosing the right and skillful Development team for your project. If you put it in the right way, You can come out with success. So you may have a question “How to Find the Right Offshore Outsourcing Partner”. Here we have provided a list of things to check in finding the Offshore Outsourcing  Partner for your Project.

Making Note of your Requirements

This is the first step for any organization or startup that is looking for an Outsourcing Partner. Preparing is the first step towards success. You have to first make note of your requirements in a detailed manner.

Check their Expertise

The next thing is analyzing expertise, technology stack, and the skills that you would need for the project development. With these, analyze the Technical experience of the Outsourcing Company and find whether they match your requirements.

Check Within your Budget

Finding and Choosing the right IT Outsourcing provider not only depends on the skills and expertise you need but also on the Budget. The cost of the Developer depends on the difficulty of the task, technical expertise of the developer, and as well as the experience of the developer. The cost also depends on the location of the Outsourcing provider. It is important to choose according to your budget and experience needed.

Checkout their Work Portfolio

There is no better way to evaluate the expertise, reliability, and responsiveness of on Outsourcing Company than getting feedback from their previous clients. Check out their previous projects similar to your requirements, favorite projects, or most recent. Ask for how they solved the problem, challenges that came up during the development process, and how they addressed them. Gather more details related to how quickly they work, how much time they’ve spent on previous projects and completion of the projects, and how they receive and implement feedback.

Support and Maintenance

Launching a Project alone can't make your business successful. you should also make sure that your Offshore Development Team works on post-development works like Support and maintenance when there is any issue occurs after the launch of your project. Also, Software Applications generally need a regular update to the latest versions so that your Software Project will never lose its value.



We hope this blog has given you detailed insights that will help you to find the Right Offshore Development Team. If you have any query, Feel Free to Contact Us

Hire Offshore Development Team Now!!

No matter if you’re looking to Hire Developer to support your in-house team for a specific project or dedicated Offshore Development Team to develop your software product from scratch or want to set up an Offshore Development Center, Employcoder -Offshore Software Development Company can provide you with everything you need.

Employcoder has a team of talented and skilled developers who offer clients a simple, affordable solution to the build-up of any software development project. Hire Developers in India from Employcoder who can adapt to all emerging technologies and have well-experienced in handling various business projects.

About Sundar

Sundar is a Business enthusiast. He has been working as a Digital Marketer and Blogger with Empoycoder. He writes about Technologies, startups, remote teams and outsourcing. Stay Connected with Us to move forward with innovations in the world of IT!!

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