Top Benefits of Flutter for Mobile App Development

Top Benefits of Flutter for Mobile App Development

Flutter has been the most talked mobile application development framework which provides an open-source environment to develops applications for Android and iOS.

Flutter is Google’s portable UI toolkit for developing beautiful, natively-compiled applications for web, mobile, and desktop from a common codebase.

Big Brands Using Flutter

Alibaba, Google Ads, Google Greentea, Hamilton Musical, and much more used Flutter to create a beautiful app experience for their Customers.


Benefits of Flutter for Mobile App Development

Makes App Development Faster

Flutter's hot reload helps you instantly and easily experiment, build UIs, add new features, and fixing bugs faster. Flutter uses a rich and fully customizable widgets to develop native interfaces within minutes. You can experience within second reload times without any changes.

Single Code for Both Front end and Back end

Flutter uses a common language (Dart) for both Front and Back end of the Mobile application and uses a reactive framework.

Dart is a client-optimized programming language which is used for writing application developing code for flutter which runs on multiple platforms. Developed by Google for building mobile, desktop, backend and web applications.

Expressive and Flexible UI

Flutter has a large collections of visual, platform, structural, and interactive widgets to create apps faster with beautiful UIs. The Widgets in flutter are developed using a modern framework similar to React. The main idea is to help you to build UIs from Widgets.
Flutter contains Cupertino (iOS - style) widgets for current iOS design language.

Native Performance

Flutter’s widgets assimilate all critical platform differences such as scrolling, navigation, icons and fonts to give a full native performance on both Android and iOS.

Faster App Testing

The App Testing process can be faster. Because of the single codebase, the programmers write automatic tests only once. Thus making the work of the Quality Assurance team simple and Faster, because they have only one application to check.

Flutter holds more benefits for business and development teams. It can be a great fit to build beautiful, high-performance and stunning mobile apps which meet your user needs and requirements. It’s worth considering Flutter, especially for iOS App Development and Android App Development which also saves you a lot of time and can be cost-effective.


If you are looking to build an app with Flutter, Employcoder a flutter app development company can help you to build Stunning mobile apps making use of flutter framework for both Android and iOS. Hire Flutter Developers from us to get functionality-rich, innovative and reliable solutions.

Build Your Mobile Apps with Flutter for both Android & iOS Platforms.

About David Ryan

Hey All !! I am David Ryan. I am a Technical Consultant at Employcoder and having 6+ years of experience in various IT verticals. Providing solutions to Startups & Enterprises who need dedicated development team & technology partners. Stay Connected with Us to move forward with innovations in the world of IT!! Follow me on twitter @employcoder Mail me to

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